Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween was a good time this year! I decided I didn't want to dress up and be all pregnant while at work. So I asked for the day off from the credit union! Halloween afternoon at Ryan's work is a very big deal to his company. All family and friends are invited to come and trick or treat at all the different departments. Each department usually has a theme and goes completely out! It makes it a good time for all that come. Ryan's team all dressed up as western theme, so I thought I'd join in!

Here's a group shot of us with Ryan's co-workers in front of the Jail and Bank. There was also a General Store that the little kids were able to take coin they were given from the bank to purchase a toy or candy! These store fronts were seriously constructed just for this day! They were specially made to attach to the cubicle sides. Crazy peeps he works with! Oh, I almost forgot...they had real live chickens for the kids to look at too! 

Fun stuff! I am really excited to take our soon to be Baby D. to his work next year! 

After all that fun that afternoon we went over to the parents house and enjoyed some delicious clam chowder and taco soup with the family and grand kids! 

Here we are! I'm glad I have a mom that has to take a pic of us all the time! 

Good memories for sure! I love Halloween and can't wait to get a pic next year with our little man!