Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Something Else New....

I cut my hair and it's cute and SHORT! ;)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Every Moment is a Memory. Dont Let it Pass By.

Well the past few months have been crazy fun! Ryan and I enjoyed our first Valentines Day on Saturday this year. Ryan brought some beautiful flowers home for me that afternoon. We beat the rush for dinner and went to our new favorite restaurant, Macaroni Grill and enjoyed our delicious meals. We then went shopping a bit until our movie started that night. We went and saw Valentines Day. I enjoyed it surprisingly and Ryan seemed to think differently. He didn't enjoy keeping up with every ones love lives on Valentines Day. I thought it was cute and really had a fun time with Ryan that day.
Ryan has been very busy keeping up with loads of homework for school and working as hard as he does everyday at work. We stay up many nights studying homework and quizzing him for his tests. He is doing really well and trying to enjoy it as much as he can. His potential goal right now for a career is Physical Therapy.
As for myself, I am always trying to find things to do while I'm at the credit union everyday. We are pretty slow right now, so I'm always trying to entertain myself. I tend to find myself reading useless information from magazines, scrambling my brain with word search puzzles, thinking of many other things I could be doing at home and visiting websites I've visited multiple times just to see if there is something new to look at. If you ever want to feel the feeling of true boredom get a job at a credit union/bank. Today I have found myself typing away and writing a novel about our life. How exciting! The salon business is picking up and I'm enjoying working there a lot.
Some exciting news: 1)We finally got new neighbors in our apartment building above us and next door. 2) Our Rocky Mtn Power bill went down! 3) Ryan and I both got raises at work. 4) I got someone to do my business taxes finally. Amanda is very happy with that info. 5) The Bachelor is on tonight! 6) The sun is shining brighter every day!
Not so exciting news: 1) No more Elle Wiener dog next door. Her protective teeth smile/growl when she was scared of us will be missed. 2) Ryan has been sick for a week now, and I miss his cheerful attitude.